Embraced is a feature-length documentary in the making to bring national awareness to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
FASD is more prevalent than Autism, Down Syndrome, Muscular Dystrophy, and Spina Bifida combined — yet the public is largely unaware of this condition.
Nearly 9 out of 10 FASD cases are misdiagnosed as Autism, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD/ADD), Learning Disorders, etc.
FASD is preventable.
Kenneth Lyon Jones MD, University of California, San Diego co-credited for discovering FASD in 1973
“…without question, a film like this is important…”
Senator Tom Daschle, Founder of NOFAS & President, The Daschle Group; former Senate Majority and Minority Leader
“I learned about the extraordinary dangers of prenatal alcohol exposure decades ago …there is an urgent need for greater awareness.”
Tom Donaldson, President, FASD United (Formally NOFAS)
“…this project is invaluable and vital to our FASD work…”
Please consider making a donation to help produce the Embraced documentary.
National awareness of FASD is sorely lacking and critical.
90% of persons with FASD have no outward physical features
86% of children with FASD are misdiagnosed (Autism, ADHD, learning disorders, etc.)
It is the world’s #1 Developmental Disability, 300% more prevalent than Autism
25% of incarcerated men and women are believed to have FASD
Conservative estimates are that 1 in 20 school children have FASD
Learn more about the scope and vision for Embraced and the team behind this timely project here.