Who are we interviewing?
All ages of individuals with FASD
Professionals from a wide range of disciplines
Birth-moms and birth families
Persons from intercity, urban, suburban, and rural
Ethnic diversity to show scope of issue
Adoptive parents, foster parents, grandparents, and kinship parents caring for children in out-of-original home care.
Themes and Messaging
Acceptance, Hope, and Love — the reason for the project’s title/name “Embraced”
Stigma, skepticism, and inequity related to public & mental health
Awareness on as large of scale as we can create to lead to meaningful conversations, better interventions and earlier inputs for better outcomes
Social action and solutions
The Neuroscience related to brain and metabolic systems
Three stages of life reenactments within the natural community (child, teen, adult)
Prevention of alcohol-related brain-body injuries
Children’s Issues
Adoption, Family, & Faith
Educational interventions
Community supports and outreach
Cause Related Marketing
Drink responsibly during pregnancy
Note: Embraced is not anti-alcohol. We advocate responsible drinking choices during pregnancy, operation of machinery, and under-age drinking.